Democratic National Convention in Chicago: Will History Repeat Itself?

The Astrology of the 1968 and 2024 Chicago Democratic National Conventions

Image courtesy Chicago Sun Times

Chart from the first day of the 1968 Chicago Democratic National Convention

I was researching well-known figures born under Jupiter-Saturn squares in their chart when I found the chart of Abbie Hoffman, a well known counter-culture icon and revolutionary who wrote, “Steal this Book”. I also found the chart of Bobby Seale, the founder of the Black Panther movement. The thing these two men have in common besides their revolutionary tendencies, is their connection to the Conspiracy Eight, the alleged instigators of the Chicago Convention Riots in 1968.

During that convention protestors showed up in demonstration against the Vietnam war. The left was divided between those who supported and those who did not support the U.S. presence in Vietnam.

Riots ensued and were historically and shockingly broadcast, tear gas administered. Many were injured and at least one was killed.

The eerie connection to the 2024 Democratic Convention is apparent in the astrology. I’m remiss to predict that history may indeed repeat itself. With headlines pre-programming the potential for Gaza protestors and a presence of immigrants the fated full moon convention is looking like it will face disruptions.

Let’s explore.

For one, this convention is being held on the opposite full moon to the 1968 convention. So the sun of the 2024 convention chart is exactly conjunct the moon during the 1968 chart. The luminaries auspiciously placed near fixed star Regulus which is a royal star and also a fixed star related to Mars and militaristic aggression. The crowning of a king, or the convention for an election align with the themes of Regulus, and while sidereal astrologers know the planets aren’t quite literally aligned to Regulus, the themes and lore are still very powerful with this part of Leo season.

Both conventions had afflicted moons. The moon is squaring Neptune in the 1968 chart, and it will be squaring Uranus in tomorrow’s chart.

The North node from 1968 is almost exactly conjunct tomorrow’s North Node in Aries with the presence of Chiron near the north node. This is not a common alignment to have Chiron with the north node, an eerie echo to the past. This could point to aggression and ruthlessness.

A square between Mars and Neptune was present in both charts. Mars is aggression and Neptune ideals. This tension between these planets also point to poisoning and lethal nebulous neptunian things, like gases. We know in 1968 rioters were tear gased and quite frankly I wouldn’t be surprised if it happens again should a protest ensue tomorrow. The other possibility is a contamination of sorts, a spread of virus could be something as a result of this convention, especially given this is the first quarter square from the memorable 2020 conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn that coincided with Covid.

The other compelling fact is the location of Venus nearly conjunct in its fall in Virgo in both charts. The planet of values is being afflicted.

We find Saturn retrograde in both charts.

I was fascinated to stumble upon these likenesses and the fact that the Jupiter and Saturn square (the natal aspect of two key figures in the 1968 protests) will be exact on this anniversary of sorts to the 1968 Dem Convention. We also have the added tension of Mars squaring off with afflicted Venus and retrograde Saturn.

Whether we see ardent far-right opposition to the potential of a female of color presidential candidate, uprisings in revolt to the War we find ourselves in now (or something else), I believe this is going to be a momentous day facing many disruptions.

Chart of tomorrow’s, August 19th full moon commencement of Dem Nat’l Convention in Chicago

Channeling Your Untamed Feminine with Lilith

What does Black Moon Lilith Mean in a Birth Chart?

Black Moon Lilith or “True Lilith” is a calculated point that represents the lunar apogee, the farthest point of the Moon's elliptical orbit around the Earth. It is calculated by finding the midpoint between the moon and the sun in an individual’s birth chart. Black Moon Lilith represents the dark, hidden, and primal aspects of a person's psyche.

It is often associated with raw desires, sexuality, unconventionality, and the shadow self as Lilith in mythology was the woman who refused to be under Adam.

Some individuals are what we might call “Lilith types” meaning Lilith is prominent within their natal chart. I.e. Lilith conjunct Sun, Moon, Asc or personal planets. Yet, everyone has Lilith located in a particular house and sign within their chart. We all have an area of life that we wish to liberate ourselves and express in a passionate and unconventional way.

Let’s explore the ways Lilith can manifest through the chart.

Lilith in the first house individuals tend to have a powerful and magnetic presence. They may command attention when they enter a room and leave a lasting impression on others.

  • You may channel your Lilith energy the most through your style and self expression, exploring unconventional ways of adorning yourself or changing your appearance and physicality.

Lilith in the 2nd house represents a radical liberation when it comes to self-worth and money. You may discover unconventional ways of making money, associate money with freedom and power.

  • You may be a radical hedonist, promote maverick ways of resourcing and learn new ways to relate to money and pleasure.

Lilith in the 3rd house I call Lilith here or in Gemini the "whistle blower". This is the Lilith that can stir up hidden truths or topics others may avoid.

  • You excel in your expression of taboo ideas. Your candid authenticity with speech and writing invites others to think about things in a fresh way. You can research and delve into topics that support society in seeing things in a new, if unflattering light to bring about transformation.

Lilith in the 4th house people can be challengers of traditional family roles or customs. They may experience darker emotions which encourages the exploration of cords, inherited trauma and ancestral ties.

  • You can seek to understand your ancestral roots and liberate yourself from family patterns that don’t serve. You may also have intense psychic awareness and can utilize this in transformational healing practices.

Lilith in the 5th house individuals have a forbidden muse within them. They possess a powerful and intense creative drive.

  • You may channel your emotions and experiences into your artistic pursuits, producing work that is deeply expressive and impactful. You can use it for captivating performance or exploring past-times that are a bit edgy.

Lilith in the 6th house individuals challenge capitalist or hierarchical models of labor as 6th house is traditionally the house of "servitude". Lilith here inspires individuals to think of service in a new way.

  • You can channel this Lilith for workplace equality and justice, speaking out against unfair treatment or oppressive work conditions. You may be an excellent problem solver and find new ways to organize people and systems, exploring the alternative ways of healing and reforming,

Lilith in the 7th house folks are relationship catalysts. They approach connecting in a unconventional way and may attract unconventional partners or “Lilith types”.

  • You can use your relationship experience as valuable teachings for understanding polarity, balancing independence and autonomy and healthy ways of sharing about more raw or vulnerable topics in the realm of relating.

Lilith in the 8th house is a placement of unhinged transformation. These individuals attract intense experiences to learn about life and death. They may go through spiritual crises or ego death more than the average person.

  • You can use your depth of understanding power and control to help liberate others from unresolved traumas. You may bring new insight into the topics of death, loss, sexuality and obsession.

Lilith in the 9th house brings people closer to the idea of “Truth” through rejection of beliefs and philosophies that may have been forced on them. They desire intellectual and spiritual freedom.

  • You may travel extensively and expose yourself to many different types of culture, philosophies and ideas about spirituality to ultimately come to your own unique position regarding higher knowledge. You may speak out against dogma and philosophies that serve to oppress rather than empower people.

Lilith in the 10th house is an enterprising rebel. These individuals reject the idea of working to survive and desire the ultimate freedom and pleasure in their career. They would rather fail in originality than succeed in conformity.

  • You are a role model for entrepreneurs and those who wish to be “self-made”. You can channel this Lilith in forward thinking business ideas, being a pioneer in your chosen profession and generally being seen in the world for following a unique path that may inspire others and liberate them from soul-sucking work.

Lilith in the 11th house is the self-proclaimed black sheep. Those born with this placement often struggled to feel a sense of belonging to any particular group.

  • You can channel this Lilith by creatively thinking of new ways to bring people together that honors their uniqueness. You may be a champion for underrepresented groups of people or individuals and have great insight on how to address problems that affect the fringe members of society.

Lilith in the 12th house natives are natural shadow workers. They may have learned many lessons regarding boundaries and energy.

  • You can penetrate into the unseen depths of the collective unconscious and utilize this to help others learn about energetic hygiene. You can use your psychic prowess for spiritual healing and moving beyond the challenges of the material world.

As you can see, Lilith represents more than sexuality. She is a permissiary of sorts and her placement in your chart can shine her dark luminance on the ways you can liberate yourself and dare to be different.

If you'd like a personalized reading of Lilith in your chart connected to your chart as a whole, book a session by emailing

February 2023 Astrology Forecast

I am excited to share this month’s keystones, days of harmony/intensity and insight into the Full Moon in Aquarius on February 5th 2023 and New Moon in Pisces on February 20th 2023.

Art: Liberale da Verona – Illuminated initial with “Aeolus”, post 1468, Antiphonary, parchment codex Siena, Opera della Metropolitana, Duomo, Piccolomini Library

With all planets direct this month we can move towards goals with greater flow. The energy especially picks up towards the second part of the month when Venus moves into Aries on February 20th 2023. I believe the recession fearing, penny-pinching may dissipate as Venus moves into this impulsive fire sign. Spending may increase which is positive if you work in sales, On a challenging note, we may see an uptick in sales of weapons, as Aries is the god of War.

Hopefully this knowledge can allow us to even more appreciate the Venus-Neptune conjunction we will have on February 15th 2023. This conjunction is a great one for group prayer. It may increase collective compassion and loosen boundaries so to speak between people. They are both “moist or wet” planets and so water related weather may make news.

The Full moon in Aquarius on February 5th 2023 activates the eclipse we had on November 8th 2022 in the fixed earth sign Taurus. It is squaring that eclipse point by 1 degree. If you had a challenging or eventful time during November 2022 this month may bring a follow-up of those energies.

This full moon is highlighting a T-square between the Sun, Moon and Uranus. It can be a time to be aware of the subtle frequencies in your body. With Saturn square to Uranus there may also be breakthroughs in medicine and science around bioelectric medicine. This is a great time to ground, mineralize your body and make sure you aren’t getting excessive exposure to EMFs. Try your gentle nervines for help with sleep. It may feel electrifying bringing sudden flashes of insights, but some can experience as unnerving energy.

The New Moon in Pisces on February 20th (late night/early morning) for east coasters is co-occurring with the beautiful Venus-Neptune conjunction. It is a lot of Piscean energy, a stellium to be exact taking the fore. This new moon is very fertile and a great time to begin planting your seeds, on this day, if possible. On a personal level, use this time to dream into being the most idealized intentions you may have. As Roald Dahl ( a person who had this conjunction natally) once said, Those who don’t believe in magic will never experience it”. Venus-Neptune invites us to dream big dreams. Many of the challenges we face collectively and environmentally can be solved through group manifestation. Collective prayer or intention is not something to be underestimated.

In my transit video I talk more on the energies of the month.. Tune in for specific days or harmony/ intensity as well as other themes I see as important for this month: FULL TRANSIT REPORT:

January 2023 Astrology Forecast

You may be holding off a bit on new year’s resolutions this month, as we have Mars, Mercury and Uranus retrograde. They will all turn direct by the lunar Chinese New Year on January 22, 2023. This will be the time (especially with Mars turning direct on 12th) that you will be feeling more fired up to commence new beginnings, and probably will experience less challenges in doing so.

Mercury will be retrograde in Capricorn until the 18th, this Rx period can be helpful for learning. I feel retrograde can allow us to go deeper into relating to information and feeling it in our bones, so to speak. If you can hold off on major purchases and contracts until the 18th, that would be wise!

When Uranus turns direct on January 22nd, big world news, seismic activity or general tension may capture the collective attention, as the planet of disruption is waking up in a square to Saturn. I speak of the Saturn square Uranus transit on this YouTube video:

This planetary square represents the old clashing with new ways of doing things, freedom versus security (what we saw during the peak of this square in 2021 with Covid lockdowns) and disruption to order. With all of the Uranus in Taurus seismic activity the earth is feeling, I would not be surprised if we saw another earthquake related event during this time. And I hate to say it, but governmental restrictions. Hopefully it will be shorter lived than in 2021 since this aspect will soon be separating.

It’d be wise to use most of January revisiting old projects, relaxing and prioritizing your health and prepping for the seeds you want to plant on the Aquarius New Moon January 21st, 2023. This new moon is a very harmonious one coinciding in a powerful lunar mansion: Al Sa’d al Su’ud which means “The Luckiest of the Lucky” and is auspicious for birth, fertility, multiplication and seeking any outside help you need for your aspirations. It is an energized air and fire day that will feel more active than the

Full Moon In Cancer which coincides with the three retrograde planets on January 6th, 2023. This month’s full moon would be good for self care and healing as it trines the South node of the moon and Neptune. It’s opposition to Pluto and mercury make it a very introspective day, and potential more tense in relating to others, so you may prefer to use the Cancer full moon as a day to rejuvenate at home.

Check out the full transit report for January 2023 below, including days of intensity, days of harmony and key dates in the month!

Transiting Pluto Conjunct North Node : Pushing Through To Purpose

Transiting Pluto Conjunct North Node : Pushing Through To Purpose

Do you have your north node in Capricorn or Aquarius? You’re going to want to tune into this video and read about this rare, potent transit you will experience in your lifetime.

Relationship Astrology

Whether romantic, familial, platonic, or professional, Astrology clarifies our understanding of our interpersonal dynamics. It can help us understand the roles we play in partnership. Relationship readings unpack the facets of how people relate and bring unconscious patterns to the surface.

Click the link below if you’d like to take my class on relationship astrology, chart comparison and synastry!

Feeding Your Intuition: Mercury Rx in Pisces

Mercury retrogrades are notorious planetary phenomena. They receive a lot of press, even amongst those who only lightly dabble in astrological consciousness. What makes them so notorious and are they as disconcerting as they are made out to be?

All planets beyond Earth actually “go retrograde”. Retrogradation is a perceptual illusion that occurs when planets appear to be moving backwards relative to our position here on earth. It has to do with the Earth’s orbit being shorter than those planets outside of its orbit. This change of perception alters the expression of the planetary energy. Many Western astrologers describe the energy of retrograde planets as turning inward, being more subjectively felt. It differs from the straight forward, linear movement we are used to. The planets which are further away from earth go retrograde more frequently. So why is Mercury the most talked about?

It may have something to do with Mercury being the planet which rules communication and thoughts. This switch can feel more apparent when it has to do with how we interact with one another and ourselves. The inner turning of these energies into the domain of the non-linear goes against the framework our linear, efficiency driven society is founded upon. It may lead to more delays, misunderstandings and befuddling technological errors. Frustrating, or a great chance to slowww down. We are forced to rely less on efficiency and more on intuitive and subjective understandings with no “end goal”.

This turning is even more pronounced when Mercury falls in the sign of Pisces. Mercury has been in the sign of Pisces since February 10th. Pisces, watery and mutable energy, is one of the most subjective signs of the zodiac. It is also the sign tapped into the collective unconscious. This is the realm of dreams, metaphysical phenomena and the extra-sensory, felt ways of understanding.

The retrograde begins today, March 5th, 2019. Now is the time to pay attention to your intuitive understandings. Sure, it’s possible your meeting gets delayed or your computer gives you an issue. It could serve as a great excuse to just sit and ponder. Maybe you turn your phone off an hour before winding down for bed. Be still. Read a book before bed or write in your journal. Make note of what dreams you had the next morning. Give your subconscious a chance to be heard.

A few days before Mercury went retrograde, I had a dream with my sister-in-law in it. Something about her and a new job. It was mixed into some other plot lines I couldn’t quite recall upon waking. I decided to text her. Primarily because the dream reminded me that I haven’t talked to her since Christmas. Just for fun, I said, "you were in my dream last night and there was something about you changing jobs”. I knew she wouldn’t judge me or be offended. So I went for it. She texted back, “STAHHHP!” Then she went on to tell me that she had signed that afternoon with a new real estate firm and the decision had been plaguing her all week. She still hadn’t told anyone including her former boss.

Many consider psychic ability to be possessed by few. The truth is we all have it. We are intuitive beings. The efficiency modeled society based around go, go, go, often steals away from the mystical synchronicities which occur when you aren’t in any rush. It can lead us into forgetting our inner knowing simply because we are running on someone else’s timeline or schedule.

During this retrograde period, I urge you not to live in fear that something will be messed up, but instead tap into your hunches. Maybe you decide to take the long route to get to the post office. Maybe you call someone you haven’t talked to in a while because they popped into your head. Maybe you stop to check out a new environment because you just spontaneously felt like it, or someone mentioned it. That’s when the magic happens. When you have a feeling, not a reason.